What to Ask Your Orthodontist About Invisalign for Teens

Invisalign For Teens Seattle, WA

Asking about invisalign for teens® is important. This allows parents like you to know what their teenagers will face during the treatment. This is a more comfortable, discreet way to straighten teeth. Even so, it is important to know what you can about it. If you want to ask your orthodontist about Invisalign for teens, here are some questions to consider.

Is it painful?

This is often the first question in the minds of many teens. Pain is a concern. Traditional braces have brackets and wires capable of leaving abrasions and puncture wounds in the mouth. Teens do not want to experience such discomfort.

Using Invisalign for teens means wearing plastic aligners. These custom-fit trays go around the teeth. There will be mild pressure upon wearing them. The discomfort is tolerable and does not result in any wound. The mild ache is part of the adjustment in the beginning. It will fade as the treatment progresses.

What is the treatment period?

Next to pain, teens think about how long they will need to wear Invisalign for teens. Teens will need to wear the aligners depending on the severity of the dental misalignment. Talking to the orthodontist about the treatment period will clear up the matter. This will make wearing the aligners easier for the teen.

Wearing Invisalign for teens every day does not involve keeping them on all day. Teens can remove the aligners during teeth cleaning. This will enable the patient to remove the food particles and plaque without any obstruction. The teen can also remove the clear aligners during eating. This will prevent the aligners from staining. The young patient can remove the aligners while engaging in contact sports as well.

The teen could wear the aligners for two to six months. More complicated issues need about one to two years. Changing the aligners on time will keep the treatment on schedule. Routine dental visits will ensure the health of the patient’s teeth during the treatment period.

Can the wearer eat anything while using Invisalign for teens?

Traditional braces often involve removing crunchy foods. This teeth alignment system does not allow biting into food as well. Doing so might dislodge the brackets and wires. This would mean seeing the orthodontist right away to reattach the brackets and wires.

Invisalign for teens will only be on teeth for about 22 hours. The teen can take off the aligners and eat anything. Parents will not have any issues reminding their teens about what and what not to eat. Brushing teeth after every meal is ideal. This is to make sure there are no food particles left in teeth.

Will the aligners affect the teen’s lifestyle?

Teens will not need to avoid friends and parties while on this orthodontic treatment. The aligners are invisible. Smiling, talking, and laughing will not be an issue. Removing the aligners before playing contact sports will keep the aligners intact. Eating without them is also in order. These will not be a hindrance to the teen’s lifestyle at all.

Invisalign for teens can improve the quality of life of teenagers

Overcrowding and misalignment can cause a low self-image. It can also affect the dental health of teens. Using Invisalign for teens can improve their dental alignment without visible and sharp brackets and wires. This will enhance your teen’s quality of life.

Are you considering getting Invisalign for teens in the Seattle area? Get more information at https://www.loveortho.com.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Invisalign for Teens in Seattle, WA.

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